Negotiation Philosophy : Methodology
The Successful Negotiator Program takes place in a highly experiential and interactive environment which utilizes video case studies, role plays, lecture/discussion and self-assessment exercises.
Self Assessment
A STYLE INVENTORY is used to identify individual negotiation styles and their impact on the negotiation process. Participants are asked to identify their strengths and improvement opportunities and to develop action plans for improving their style.
Negotiation Practice
Participants are involved in a series of situations in which they practice newly learned skills. The situations deal with buyer-seller negotiations, inter- and intradepartmental staff negotiations, and team negotiations. All practice utilizes the Six-Step Successful Negotiator model.
Video Tape
Realistic situations are portrayed in video case studies which illustrate critical issues in the Six-Step Successful Negotiator model.
On the Job Applications
Utilizing an especially designed training manual, participants begin planning for a negotiation they will conduct when they return to their jobs.